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OLELINKS command

The OLELINKS command is used to update, change and quit existing OLE links. Command Access :  Menu : Edit > OLE Links...Command : OLELINKS Function Description: If there is no OLE links in current drawing, the OLELINKS command will be inactive... Read More

LOCKUP command

The LOCKUP command is used lock the drawing into a whole block. You can't explode it or modify the objects of the original drawing. It is a good way to prevent others from modifying the drawing. Command Access:  Command Entry: LOCKUP Menu :... Read More


The IMPORTHPGL command is used to import a PLT files. Command Access: Command : IMPORTHPGL Command Prompts: Use original file attribute? [Yes(Y)/No (N)]:Specify the insert point<0, 0>:Specify scale factor<1>: Function Description: The PLT... Read More

CMP command

The CMP command Drawing compare is an exclusive function in GstarCAD which is added according to the user's requirement. Command Access :  Command : CMP Menu : Express tools>Drawing Tools>Drawing Compare Function Description : It... Read More

CHANGE command

The CHANGE command is used to change the properties of existing objects. Command Access: Command: CHANGE Command Prompts: Select object: Specify change point or [properties]: Function Description: The properties contain location, size, color,... Read More

Results 71 - 80 of 108