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Breakline Symbol

Creates a polyline and inserts the breakline symbol. The options within this command are provided to control the relative size and appearance of the breakline symbol and an extension of the polyline beyond the selected start and end points. Menu :... Read More

Load Linetypes

You can load LINETYPE at the start of a project or when you need them. Linetypes are stored in an LIN (linetype definition) file, you can load linetypes in a LIN file whenever you want use it. Depending on what measurements you are using, you can... Read More

MLINE command

The MLINE command is used to create multiple parallel lines. Command Access: Menu : Draw > MultilineCommand : MLINE Command Prompts: Current settings: Justification=Top, Scale=20.00, Style=STANDARD Specify start point or [Justification/Scale/STyle... Read More


The COMMANDLINEHIDE command is used to hide the command line window. Command Access: Command : COMMANDLINEHIDE Function Description:   If the command line window hidden, users could input commands under dynamic command prompt.             Read More


The COMMANDLINE command is used to display command line window. Command Access: Ribbon : View > Palettes > Command LineMenu : Tools > Command LineCommand : COMMANDLINEShortcut : CTRL+9 Function Description: The command line could be fixed... Read More


The BREAKLINE command Creates a polyline and inserts the breakline symbol. Command Access :  Command : BREAKLINE Menu : Express tools>Draw>Breakline Symbol Function Description :  The options within this command are provided to control the... Read More

Results 81 - 90 of 481