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BACTION command

The BACTION command is used to add actions to dynamic block definitions. Command Access: Command : BACTION Command Prompts: Select parameter: Enter action type [Array (A)/Move (M)/Scale(S)/sTretch(T)]: Function Description:This command could be only... Read More

3DROTATE command

The 3DROTATE command is used to rotate 3D objects around a base point in 3D space. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D >3D Operations > Rotate 3DMenu : Modify > 3D Operations > 3D RotateCommand : 3DROTATE Command Prompts: UCS current positive... Read More

3DMOVE command

The 3DMOVE command is used to move 3D model to the specified direction and distance. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > 3D Operations > 3D MoveMenu : Modify > 3D Operations> 3D MoveCommand : 3DMOVE Command Prompts: Select object:Specify base... Read More

3DFORBIT command

The 3DFORBIT command is used to rotate 3D objects without rolling back. Command Access: Ribbon : View >Navigate 2D>Constrained Orbit > Free OrbitMenu : View >Orbit >Free OrbitCommand : 3DFORBITShortcut : Start any 3D navigation command... Read More

Results 81 - 90 of 113