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The SCALELISTEDIT command is used to manage scale of layout viewport, page layout, and printing in the "Edit Scale list" dialog box. Command Access: Menu : Format > Scale ListCommand : SCALELISTEDIT Users could edit scale in "Edit Scale List"... Read More

MLSTYLE command

The MLSTYLE command is used to create, modify, and manage style of multiple lines. Command Access: Menu : Format > Multiline Style...Command : MLSTYLE Function Description: Dialog Box Description: The Mline style controls the number of elements... Read More

GROUP command

The GROUP command is used to create and manage the saved object group. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > GroupMenu : Tools > GroupCommand : GROUP Function Description: Inputting "-group" under command prompt, it will display... Read More

CUI command

The CUI command is used to manage elements in the Customize User Interface. Command Access: Menu : Tools > Customize >Interface...Command : CUI Function Description: After executing this command, it displays the Customize User Interface dialog... Read More

BATTMAN command

The BATTMAN command is used to manage the attribute of specified block. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Block > Manage AttibutesMenu : Modify > Object > Attribute > Block Attribute ManagerCommand : BATTMAN Function description: The... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 24