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Change the Lineweight of an Object

To change the LWEIGHT of an object, you can do : If an object's lineweight is set to BYLAYER, move it to another layer with a different lineweight, the object will acquire the lineweight of the new layer. If an object's lineweight is set... Read More

LWDEFAULT system variable

Function Description: The LWDEFAULT system variable is used to set the value for default lineweight. Type : EnumSaved in : RegistryInitial value : 25 The default lineweight could be set to any valid lineweight value in hundredths of millimeters,... Read More

Drag Line

Different to Multiline drag, Drag line will just move the line you selected and other relevant lines will not move. Menu : Express>Table Tools>Drag Line Command Entry : BGST Operation steps: 1. Start the command. 2. Specify the line of the... Read More

Drag Multiple Lines

You can change the row and column width by dragging the line of the table and the corresponding parts of the line will also change. For example, drag the line you selected to the right side and all the lines in the right side will move to the right... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 216