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QNEW command

The QNEW command is used to create a new graph from specified graph template. Command Access: Menu : Application menu > NewMenu : File> NewDimensionCommand : QNEW Function Description: This command could create new graphs from graph template... Read More

QDIM command

The QDIM command is used to create a series of dimensions for selected objects quickly. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension > QDIMMenu : Dimension > Quick DimensionCommand : QDIM Command Prompts: Associative dimension priority =... Read More

PREVIEW command

The PREVIEW command is used to preview drawings that need to be printed. Command Access: Ribbon : Export > Plot > PreviewMenu : Application menu > Print... > Print PreviewMenu : File > Plot PreviewCommand : PREVIEW Function Description... Read More

POLYGON command

The POLYGON command is used to create closed equilateral polygon. POLYGON command is used to create closed equilateral polygon. Ribbon : Home > Draw > Polyline > PolygonMenu : Draw > PolygonCommand : POLYGON Command Prompts: Enter number... Read More

PLOT command

The PLOT command is used to export drawings to plotter or printer or files. Command Access: Ribbon : Export > Plot > PlotMenu : Application menu > Print... > Print...Menu : File > Plot...Command : PLOT Function Description: Inputting ... Read More

PFACE command

The PFACE command is used to create 3D polyface meshes by each vertex. Command Access: Command : PFACE Command Prompts: Specify location for vertex 1:As vertex.2or specify locationAs vertex.3or specify locationEnter the number of vertex or [Color... Read More

PAN command

The PAN command is used to move view planar to the screen. Command Access: Ribbon : View > Navigate 2D > PanMenu : View > Pan > RealtimeCommand : PAN Command Prompts: Press Esc or the Enter keys to exit, or right click to display the... Read More

Results 511 - 520 of 1224