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The VISUALSTYLES command is used to create and modify visual styles and apply them on viewport. Command Access: Menu : Tools > Palettes > Visual Styles Command : VISUALSTYLES Function Description: Inputting "-visualstyle" under the command... Read More

UNDO command

The UNDO command is used to give up the effect of operations. Command Access: Command : UNDO Command Prompts: Enter the number of operations to undo or [Auto/Control/BEgin/End/Mark/Back]<1>: Function Description: In the command prompt line, it... Read More

TRIM command

The TRIM command is used to trim object to make it join with other object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > Trim Menu : Modify > Trim Command : TRIM Command Prompts: Current settings: Project=UCS, Edge=NoneSelect cutting edges..... Read More

TOOLBAR command

The TOOLBAR command is used to display, hide and customize toolbar. Command Access: Ribbon : View > User Interface > Toolbars Menu : View > ToolbarCommand : TOOLBARShortcut : right-click on any toolbar and select "customize" Function... Read More

TEXTSCR command

The TEXTSCR command is used to open the text window. Command Access: Menu : View> Display > Text Window Command : TEXTSCRShortcut: CTRL+F2 Function Description: The command prompt will display in a separate window. Users could press F2 to... Read More

TEXTFIT command

The TEXTFIT command is used to stretches or shrinks text object(s) by selecting new start and/or end points. Command Access : Command Entry : TEXTFIT Menu : Text>Text Fit Command line prompts as follow: Select Text to stretch/shrink: Specify end... Read More

Results 481 - 490 of 1224