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DWGPROPS command

The DWGPROPS command is used to set and display the properties of current file. Command Access: Menu : File > Drawing propertiesCommand : DWGPROPS Function Description: Users could create basic information, keywords, and customized properties and... Read More

CUILOAD command

The CUILOAD command is used to load CUIx files. Command Access: Command : CUILOAD Function Description: Users could use the “Load/Unload User Defined Setting” dialog box to find and load CUIx files and customize or transfer settings of user... Read More

ACISOUT command

The ACISOUT command is used to export a body object, solid, or region to an ACIS file. Command Access: Command : ACISOUT Command Prompts: Select object : select the object and press ENTER Function Description: If the selected object is not a solid or... Read More

3DSIN command

The 3DSIN command is used to import 3D Studio files. Command Access: Ribbon : Insert > Import > Import > 3D Ssudio..Menu : Insert > 3D Ssudio...Command : 3DSIN Function Description: Users could import a lot of data from 3ds Max file, such... Read More

Results 61 - 70 of 88