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Select Filter

Select, edit, and name filters for object selection. Menu : Express>Selection>Select Filter Command Entry : Filter 1. X, Y, Z ParametersDefines additional filter parameters depending on the object. In the filter parameters, you can use... Read More

Text Outline

Text Outline function will split more thoroughly, after processing, texts are no longer words, but lines. When editing single line fonts, precision can be set to 1, set to higher numerical will make text warp, using true type font from operating... Read More

Edit OLE Objects in Drawings

You can double-click the OLE object to open the source application in a drawing. OLE objects can be selected with any selection method and edited with most editing commands, the Properties palette or grips to make changes. If the aspect ratio is... Read More

Modify Polylines

To change the shape of polyline (PLINE) objects or to join separate polylines, you can access editing operations of PEDIT . Polylines can be edited by closing and opening them, or moving, adding and deleting vertices. Joined Polyline Segments If a... Read More

Select Objects Individually

You can select one or more objects individually at the Select Objects prompt.   Use the Pick box Cursor Move the pick box cursor over an object and click, you can select objects. If selection preview is turned on, when you move the pick box cursor... Read More

Results 31 - 40 of 277