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FILTER command

The FILTER command is used to create a list, objects in it must meet to certain conditions. Command Access: Command: FILTER (or 'filter for transparent use) Dialog Box Description: The Object Selection Filter Dialog Box is displayed. Filter... Read More

FIELD command

The FIELD command is used to create multiple texts with field. The text could automatically update as the field changing. Command Access: Ribbon : Insert > Data > FieldMenu : Insert > FieldCommand : FIELDShortcut : right-click when editing... Read More

EXTEND command

The EXTEND command is used to extend object and make it connect with other object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > Trim > ExtendMenu : Modify> ExtendCommand : EXTEND Command Prompts: Current settings: Project=UCS, Edge=NoneSelect... Read More


The DRAWORDER command is used to change the drawing order of graph or other objects. Command Access: Menu : Tools > Draw Order > Bring to frontCommand : DRAWORDER Command Prompts: Select object:Enter object ordering option [Above objects/Under... Read More

DRAGMODE command

The DRAGMODE command is used to control the way of display when dragging object. Command Access: Command : DRAGMODE Command Prompts: Enter new value [ON/OFF/Auto] <Auto>: Relative Glossary: On : Allow dragging objects, but users need to input ... Read More


The DIMORDINATE command is used to create ordinate dimensions. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension > Dimension > OrdinateMenu : Dimension > OrdinateCommand : DIMORDINATE Command Prompts: Specify feature location:Specify leader... Read More

Results 271 - 280 of 344