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Save and Restore Views

If you have saved specific views by name, you can restore them for layout and plotting or when you need to refer to specific details. Save a view The following settings are saved when you name and save a view : View scale, view position and view... Read More

TORUS command

The TORUS command is used to create a torus of 3D solid. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Modeling > Box >Torus Menu : Draw> Modeling > Torus Command : TORUS Command Prompts: Specify center point or [3P/2P/Ttr]:Specify radius or [Diameter... Read More

TOOLBAR command

The TOOLBAR command is used to display, hide and customize toolbar. Command Access: Ribbon : View > User Interface > Toolbars Menu : View > ToolbarCommand : TOOLBARShortcut : right-click on any toolbar and select "customize" Function... Read More


The REGENAUTO command is used to control regeneration of drawings automatically. Command Access: Command : REGENAUTO Command Prompts: Import mode [ON/OFF] : Function Description: ON:If there are forbidden operations of regeneration in queue, it will... Read More


The INSERTOBJ command is used to insert a link or a embed object. Command Access: Ribbon : Insert > Data > OLE ObjectMenu : Insert > OLE ObjectCommand : INSERTOBJ Function Description If the link information has changed in source files, it... Read More

Results 31 - 40 of 279