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Update Dimension

Updates any other dimension(s) to the current dimension style you want to apply. Menu: Express>Dimension>Update Dimension Command Entry: DIMUPDATE Command line prompts as follows: Select a dimension for standard: Select a dimension as a base... Read More

Dimstyle Import

Imports named dimension styles from a DIM file into the current drawing. Menu : Express>Dimension>Dimstyle Import Command Entry : DIMIM Executing this command, starts the following dialog box : Import Filename Names the file you want to import... Read More

DIMSTYLE command

The DIMSTYLE command is used to create and modify dimension styles. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension >DIMSTYLEMenu : Format > Dimension Style...Menu : Dimension > Dimension Style...Command : DIMSTYLE (display Dimension... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 155