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APERTURE command

The APERTURE command is used to controls the size of the object snap target box. Command APERTURE (or aperture for transparent use) Command Prompts Enter new value for APERTURE<10>: Function Description: The object snap could be... Read More

Using file dialog at prompts

Sometimes settings (such as FILEDIA) can cause certain routines to ask for a file name at the command prompt. In these cases you can enter the tilde ~ character followed by enter to bring up the file selection dialog. Read More

BOX command

The BOX command is used to create 3d solid box. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Modeling > BoxMenu : Draw > Modeling > BoxCommand : BOX Command Prompts: Specify first corner or [Center]: Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]:Specify height... Read More

PICKBOX system variable

Function Description: The PICKBOX system variable is used to set the target height of object selection in pixes. Type : Integer Saved in : Registry Initial value : 3 Note: if specified PICKBOX to be 0, the preview of object selection is unavailable. Read More

3D command

The 3D command is used to create 3D polyface meshes with common geometric shapes. Command 3D Command Prompts Enter an option [ Box/Cone/DIsh/DOme/Mesh/Pyramid/Sphere/Torus/Wedge ]: Relative Glossary:   Box :Create a 3D box polyface mesh... Read More

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