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OOPS command

The OOPS command is used to restore the last deleted objects. Command Access: Command : OOPS Function Description: This command could restore the last deleted objects by ERASE command. The OOPS command could not restore parameters, actions or pinch... Read More

Delete Annotation

Sometimes we need to add annotations to our drawings, it is more convenient to edit and manage annotations that are in one special layer. This function is based on this kind of circumstance, you can select one text annotation to be deleted , our... Read More

Modify Text

All text objects can be moved (MOVE) , rotated (ROTATE), deleted and copied (COPY) just like any other objects. You can also edit the contents of the created text objects. Modify single line text There are two ways for the singe line text... Read More

Trim to Nested Objects

Trims objects with a block as a cutting boundary. Menu : Express>Blocks>Trim to Nested Objects Command Entry : BTRIM Command line prompts as follow: Select objects or <select all>: Select one or more blocks and press ENTER Select the... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 174