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Define Hatch Boundaries

You can select an object to HATCH or fill, or specify an internal point to define a boundary. A hatch boundary or enclosed area can be formed with any combination of objects like LINE , ARC , CIRCLE and polylines (PLINE). Only objects that are in... Read More

REDEFINE command

The REDEFINE command is used to restore internal command that turned off by the UNDEFINE command. Command Access: Command : REDEFINE Command Prompts: Enter command name: Function Description: If one command is turned off by the UNDEFINE command,... Read More

TABLE command

GstarCAD provides command group such as TABLEDIT\TABLESTYLE\TABLEEXPORT. It is possible now to create and modify table as well as to define the format of table. It is possible to export the table to CVS file and open it on Microsoft Excel.... Read More

Tool Panel

Using the tools in this Tool Panel to define, edit and modify Dynamic Blocks, makes it very convenient and fast. ManageSave or Save as the default block; Create or edit another block. ToolDefine, edit or update the block attribute. ... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 16