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CUI command

The CUI command is used to manage elements in the Customize User Interface. Command Access: Menu : Tools > Customize >Interface...Command : CUI Function Description: After executing this command, it displays the Customize User Interface dialog... Read More

COLOR command

The COLOR command is used to specify the color of new object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Properties > ColorMenu : Format > ColorCommand : COLOR ('color for transparent use) (display Select Color dialog box), -COLOR (display command... Read More

CIRCLE command

The CIRCLE command is used to create a circle. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > CircleMenu : Draw > CircleCommand : CIRCLE Command Prompts: Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr/Arc/Multiple/Concentric]: Relative Glossary:... Read More

BREAK command

The BREAK command is used to break specified object by selected two points. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > BreakRibbon : Home > Modify > Break at a pointMenu : Modify > BreakCommand : BREAK Command Prompts: Select object... Read More

BOX command

The BOX command is used to create 3d solid box. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Modeling > BoxMenu : Draw > Modeling > BoxCommand : BOX Command Prompts: Specify first corner or [Center]: Specify other corner or [Cube/Length]:Specify height... Read More

BLOCK command

The BLOCK command is used to create a block definition for specified object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Block >Make...Menu : Draw > Block > Make...Command : BLOCK (display Block Definition dialog box), -BLOCK (display command line... Read More

BEDIT command

The BEDIT command is used to open the Block Editor. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Block > Block EditorMenu : Tools > Block EditorCommand : BEDIT Shortcut : Select a block and right-click; click the "Block Editor" option Function... Read More

Results 61 - 70 of 527