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The LOGFILEON command is used to write the history of command to files. Command Access: Command : LOGFILEON Function Description: The content of text window is recorded in log files until users exit program or use the LOGFILEOFF command. Each drawing... Read More

LOFT command

The LOFT command is used to create 3D solids or surfaces by several cross sections. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Modeling > Extrude > LoftMenu : Draw> Modeling > Loft Command : LOFT Command Prompts: Select cross sections in lofting... Read More

LOCKUP command

The LOCKUP command is used lock the drawing into a whole block. You can't explode it or modify the objects of the original drawing. It is a good way to prevent others from modifying the drawing. Command Access:  Command Entry: LOCKUP Menu :... Read More

LOAD command

The LOAD command is used to create a shape file and it could be invoked by the SHAPE command. Command Access: Command : LOAD Function Description: Users could input the file name or select it from file list in "Select Shape File" dialog box. They... Read More

LIST command

The LIST command is used to display the properties data of selected objects. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > Measure >ListMenu : Tools > Inquiry > ListCommand : LIST Command Prompts: Select object: Function Description:... Read More


The LIGHTLIST command is used to turn on or turn off the "Lights in Model" palette. Command Access: Menu : View > Render > Light> Light ListCommand : LIGHTLIST Function Description: The "Lights in Model" palette is used to list all lights in... Read More

LIGHT command

The LIGHT command is used to create light source. Command Access: Command : LIGHT Command Prompts: Enter light type [Point/Spot/Web/Targetpoint/Freespot/freeweB/Distant] Function Description: Specify the light type. The prompt displayed is the same... Read More

LEADER command

The LEADER command is used to create a line to connect annotation and a feature. Command Access: Command : LEADER Command Prompts: Specify leader start point: Specify next point: Specify next point, or [Annotation(A)/Format(F)/Undo(U)] <Annotation... Read More

Results 281 - 290 of 527