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U command

The U command is used to quit the latest operation. Command Access: Menu : Edit > Undo Command : U Shortcut : CTRL+Z Function Description: Users could input a U to get back one step. They could also input many times to get to the beginning of... Read More

TRACE command

The TRACE command is used to create a solid line. Command Access: Command: TRACE Command Prompts: Specify trace width<1.0000>:Specify start point:Specify next point: Function Description: The endpoint of solid wide line is on the center line... Read More

TORUS command

The TORUS command is used to create a torus of 3D solid. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Modeling > Box >Torus Menu : Draw> Modeling > Torus Command : TORUS Command Prompts: Specify center point or [3P/2P/Ttr]:Specify radius or [Diameter... Read More

TIFOUT command

The TIFOUT command is used to save the selected object in TIFF format. Command Access: Command : TIFOUT Function Description: In the "Create Raster File" dialog box, users could input a file name to create a TIF format file. This file contains all... Read More

Results 121 - 130 of 527