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QTEXT command

The QTEXT command is used to control the display and printing of text and its properties. Command Access: Command : QTEXT Function Description: If the QTEXT is in ON mode, all text objects and their properties objects will be displayed as frame of... Read More

QSAVE command

The QSAVE command is used to save the current drawing by specified default file formats. Command Access: Menu : Application menu > SaveMenu : File > SaveCommand : QSAVE Function Description: If the current drawing has been named, the program... Read More


The PROPERTIES command is used to control the existing objects properties. Command Access: Ribbon : View > Palettes > PropertiesMenu : Modify > PropertiesCommand : PROPERTIESShortcut : select the object and right click, click the ... Read More

PREVIEW command

The PREVIEW command is used to preview drawings that need to be printed. Command Access: Ribbon : Export > Plot > PreviewMenu : Application menu > Print... > Print PreviewMenu : File > Plot PreviewCommand : PREVIEW Function Description... Read More

PDFATTACH command 

The PDFATTACH command is used to reuse that PDF data in your own GstarCAD drawing files Command Access : Command Entry :PDFATTACH Menu : Insert>Reference>PDF Underlay If you receive project drawings in the form of a PDF file, you can reuse... Read More

Results 421 - 430 of 803