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Draw Table

This function can help you draw a table. Menu : Express>Table Tools> Draw Table Command Entry : BGE Operation steps: 1. Start the command. 2. Specify the first point of the table. 3. The command line prompts as below. a. Press the Q key and... Read More

Area Table

  Command name: AREATABLE AREATABLE command automatically dimension and count the area of anenclosed object and export the result to a table in the current drawing area.  The enclosed area or object can be marked with a number or area symbol,... Read More

GC_CTE - CAD Table to Excel

This command will convert sheets, composed by line/Spline and text/Mtext in CAD, to EXCEL. Menu : Express>Table Tools> CAD Table to ExcelCommand Entry : GC_CTE It will pop up a dialog box and you can specify the conversion ratio. Â... Read More

Update all AutoXls tables

Update All the Tables Menu: Express>AutoXlsTable>Update All the TablesCommand Entry: CAOT_AUTOXLSTABLE_UPDATEALLTBL After executing this command, the system will update all the table objects created by "Create Table" command.   Read More

Update AutoXls Table

Update table whose original Excel spreadsheet was modified. Menu : Express tools>AutoXlsTable>Update TableCommand Entry :_CAOT_AUTOXLSTABLE_UPDATETBL Operation steps: 1.Click Update table. 2.Select the table to update then the table will... Read More

Edit AutoXls Table

  Menu : Express tools>AutoXlsTable>Edit TableCommand Entry : _CAOT_AUTOXLSTABLE_EDIT Operation steps: 1.Click Edit Table. 2.Select a table created by AutoXlsTable in GstarCAD then the Excel file will open.   Read More

Create AutoXls Table

  Menu : Express tools>AutoXlsTable>Create Table.Command Entry :_CAOT_AUTOXLSTABLE_CREATE Operation steps: 1. In the AutoXLSTable pull-down menu, click Create Table. 2.Create an Excel spreadsheet or open an existing Excel spreadsheet in... Read More

Results 251 - 260 of 803