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Plot Setting

Now the Options dialog box supports a new tab (Plot and Publish). This tab helps users to control options related to plotting and publishing.     Read More

Dynamic Input

  (Upgated 2016 ) The traditional dynamic input has been improved, so now the dynamic input achieves the command line integration which means a great benefit by gaining more workspace and less eyes concentration.  Now the dynamic input in GstarCAD... Read More

Tablestyle command

Function Description: This command is used to create, modify, or specify table styles. The Table Style dialog box is displayed.You can specify the current table style to determine the appearance of all new tables. A table style includes settings for... Read More

Update All the Tables

Menu : Express>AutoXlsTable>Update All the Tables Command Entry : CAOT_AUTOXLSTABLE_UPDATEALLTBL After executing this command, the system will update all the table objects created by "Create Table" command. Read More

Update Table

Update table whose original Excel spreadsheet was modified. Menu : Express tools>AutoXlsTable>Update Table Command Entry :_CAOT_AUTOXLSTABLE_UPDATETBL Operation steps: 1.Click Update table. 2.Select the table to update then the table will... Read More

Edit Table

Menu : Express tools>AutoXlsTable>Edit Table Command Entry : _CAOT_AUTOXLSTABLE_EDIT Operation steps: 1.Click Edit Table. 2.Select a table created by AutoXlsTable in GstarCAD then the Excel file will open. Read More

Delete Table

This function can delete the table you selected. Menu : Express>Table Tools>Delete Table Command Entry : BGSC Operation steps: 1. Start the command. 2. Specify the table for delete. 3.Enter to finish deleting.   Read More

Results 241 - 250 of 803