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How to add descriptions to blocks ?

GstarCAD has the ability to add descriptions to the block definitions in the drawing. Issue the BLOCK command, select the block from the list at top, then click in the lower 'Description' section and enter the description and finally click... Read More

How to add descriptions to blocks?

GstarCAD has the ability to add descriptions to the block definitions in the drawing. Issue the BLOCK command. Select the block from the list at top. Click in the lower 'Description' section and enter the description. Choose... Read More

PURGE command

The PURGE command is used to remove the unused items of graph, such as block definitions and layers. Command Access: Menu : Application menu > Drawing Utilities > Purge...Menu : File > Drawing Utilities > Purge...Command : PURGE Function... Read More

BATTMAN command

The BATTMAN command is used to manage the attribute of specified block. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Block > Manage AttibutesMenu : Modify > Object > Attribute > Block Attribute ManagerCommand : BATTMAN Function description: The... Read More

BACTION command

The BACTION command is used to add actions to dynamic block definitions. Command Access: Command : BACTION Command Prompts: Select parameter: Enter action type [Array (A)/Move (M)/Scale(S)/sTretch(T)]: Function Description:This command could be only... Read More

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