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Symmetrical Stretch

There is an easy way to realize the two-way stretch which is adding two actions of stretch. Though it can realize a two-way stretch, the action of stretch is independent. The parameter needs some additional setup to realize the two-way symmetrical... Read More

Enter 3D Coordinates

When you create objects in 3D, Cartesian, cylindrical or spherical coordinates are used to locate points. Enter X.Y.Z coordinates 3D Cartesian coordinates determine a precise location by using three coordinate values: X, Y, and Z. Entering 3D... Read More

WMFIN command

The WMFIN command is used to import windows metafiles. Command Access: Menu : Insert > Windows MetafilesCommand : WMFIN Command Prompts: Unit: unitless convert: 1.0000Specify insertion point or [Basepoint/Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate]:Enter X scale factor,... Read More

WEBLIGHT command

The WEBLIGHT command is used to create a web light. Command Access: Command : WEBLIGHT Command Prompts: Specify source location<0,0,0>:Specify target location<0,0,-10>:Enter an option to change [Name/Intensity factor/Status/Photometry... Read More

-VIEW command 

The -VIEW command  Command Access : Command : -VIEW Command Prompts: Enter an option[?/Delete/Orthographic/Restore/Save/Settings/Windows]: Relative Glossary: ?:List named views and cameras in the drawing.It contains each specified view name and... Read More

ROTATE3D command

The ROTATE3D command is used to rotate objects around 3D axis. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > 3D Operations > Rotate 3D Menu : Modify > 3D Operations > Rotate 3D Command : ROTATE3D Command Prompts: UCS current positive angle: ANGDIR... Read More

QDIM command

The QDIM command is used to create a series of dimensions for selected objects quickly. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension > QDIMMenu : Dimension > Quick DimensionCommand : QDIM Command Prompts: Associative dimension priority =... Read More

PYRAMID command

The PYRAMID command is used to create closed equilateral polygon. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Modeling > Box >Pyramid Menu : Draw > Modeling> PyramidCommand : PYRAMID Command Prompts: 4sides Inscribed CircumscribedSpecify center... Read More

Results 71 - 80 of 475