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Copy Nested Objects

Copy objects in a xref or a block. Menu : Express>Blocks>Copy Nested Objects Command Entry : NCOPY  Command line prompts as follows: Select nested objects to copy : Use an object selection method Base point : Specify a point, or enter M for... Read More

PDF Underlay

PDF Underlay Menu : Insert > Reference > PDF Underlay Command Entry : PDFATTACH  If you receive project drawings in the form of a PDF file, you can reuse that PDF data in your own GstarCAD drawing files. For example, imagine that you are a... Read More

Use Text Style

When you add TEXT to a drawing, the current text style will be used. The text style determines the font, size, angle, orientation and other text characteristics. Every drawing has a default text style, which is named Standard. The Standard style can... Read More

Modify Text

All text objects can be moved (MOVE) , rotated (ROTATE), deleted and copied (COPY) just like any other objects. You can also edit the contents of the created text objects. Modify single line text There are two ways for the singe line text... Read More

Modify Polylines

To change the shape of polyline (PLINE) objects or to join separate polylines, you can access editing operations of PEDIT . Polylines can be edited by closing and opening them, or moving, adding and deleting vertices. Joined Polyline Segments If a... Read More

Select Objects Individually

You can select one or more objects individually at the Select Objects prompt.   Use the Pick box Cursor Move the pick box cursor over an object and click, you can select objects. If selection preview is turned on, when you move the pick box cursor... Read More

Results 111 - 120 of 973