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GC_BOOLOP command

The GC_BOOLOP command is used to Delete the entity chosen by second selection, choose whether to delete the second selected object. There are different Boolean operation options such as union, intersection and subtraction. After the operation the... Read More

EDGESURF command

The EDGESURF command used to create a three-dimensional polygon mesh. Command Access: Menu : Draw > Modeling > Meshes > Edge Mesh Command entry : EDGESURF Command Prompts: Select the first of four connected entities for edge surface: You... Read More

EDGE command

The EDGE command used to create a three-dimensional polygon mesh. Command Access: Command : EDGE Command Prompts: Specify edge of 3dface to toggle visibility or [Display]:Enter selection method for display of hidden edges [Select/All] : Function... Read More

DWGPROPS command

The DWGPROPS command is used to set and display the properties of current file. Command Access: Menu : File > Drawing propertiesCommand : DWGPROPS Function Description: Users could create basic information, keywords, and customized properties and... Read More

DRAGMODE command

The DRAGMODE command is used to control the way of display when dragging object. Command Access: Command : DRAGMODE Command Prompts: Enter new value [ON/OFF/Auto] <Auto>: Relative Glossary: On : Allow dragging objects, but users need to input ... Read More

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