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The new Transparency feature in GstarCAD 2017 allows you specify a transparency value not only for hatch and gradient objects but also for an entire layer. Transparency effects can enhance drawings by reducing the visibility of objects that are... Read More

Options to simplify drawing appearances

Personally, I found that speeding up the whole system and optimizing GstarCAD are the better ways to make it work lighter and faster. However, you are probably curious if there are options to simplify drawing appearance. FILLMODE FILLMODE is very... Read More

What is SKPOLY variable?

By default, the SKETCH command creates a collection of line objects. To create polylines instead, set the SKPOLY variable to 1. Read More

What is OFFSETGAPTYPE variable?

This system variable can have a drastic effect on the appearance of offsets. It‟s stored in the registry so it affects all drawings. The initial value is 0.  1 Fills the gaps with a filleted arc segment (the radius of the arc segment... Read More

How do I create my own linetype?

GstarCAD default linetypes are usually enough for common purposes. But sometimes it‟s just not enough sometimes we need to have our own. The problem is creating custom linetype can be difficult to do. But if you have express tools, creating custom... Read More

Understanding Layer 0, ByLayer and ByBlock

Every time you create a new drawing, you will see a default layer: Layer0. You can‟t delete it. Then when you define their properties such as color, line weight, etc, you will see ByLayer and ByBlock properties. Most of you might already know what... Read More

How do I purge layers that don’t want to be purged?

Want to clean up you drawings from extra or garbage layers? The obvious way to purge layers is to use the PURGE command but sometimes it‟s not enough. Purge might need to be run several times. Make sure to select purge nested items. Notice that in... Read More

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