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The MAGNIFIER command is used to (a real alternative to change the habit of viewing details and drafting over the most complex drawing at glance). This tool helps to view a specific area of your drawing as a magnifier with the capability of snap... Read More

LOFT command

The LOFT command is used to create 3D solids or surfaces by several cross sections. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Modeling > Extrude > LoftMenu : Draw> Modeling > Loft Command : LOFT Command Prompts: Select cross sections in lofting... Read More

JPGOUT command

The JPGOUT command use to save selected objects to a file in JPEG file format. Command Access: Command : JPGOUT Function Description: Users could input the file name in the "Create Raster File" dialog box. Specifying the FILEDIA system variable to 0,... Read More

GROUP command

The GROUP command is used to create and manage the saved object group. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > GroupMenu : Tools > GroupCommand : GROUP Function Description: Inputting "-group" under command prompt, it will display... Read More

GRID command

The GRID command is used to display the grid in current viewport. Command Access: Menu : Tools > Drafting Settings...>Snap and GRidToolbar : Status bar > Grid ModeCommand : GRID Command Prompts: Specify grid spacing (X) or [ON/OFF/Snap/Major... Read More

FLATSHOT command.

The FLATSHOT command you can create a 2D representation of all 3D objects based on the current view. The edges of all 3D solids, surfaces, and meshes are projected line-of-sight onto a plane parallel to the viewing plane. The 2D representations of... Read More

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