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Filletedge command

Function Description : This command is used to round and fillet the edges of solid objects. Command Access : Icon : Menu : /Ribbon : /Toolbar:  /Command : FILLETEDGEAlias : / Command Prompts : Select an edge or [Chain/Loop/Radius]: Select an edge... Read More

Modify Text

All text objects can be moved (MOVE) , rotated (ROTATE), deleted and copied (COPY) just like any other objects. You can also edit the contents of the created text objects. Modify single line text There are two ways for the singe line text... Read More

Edit Groups

Create Groups A GROUP  is a saved set of objects. You can name the groups that you build and add a description for it. Copies of the group will be given the default name as is *Ax and is considered unnamed. .Nested groups can also be ungrouped to... Read More

Set the Current Color

You can visually distinguish objects by using colors, either by assigning a color to an object by layer or independently of layer. If you assign a color by layer, it will help you to distinguish the layers with your drawing. You can also use... Read More

TRIM command

The TRIM command is used to trim object to make it join with other object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > Trim Menu : Modify > Trim Command : TRIM Command Prompts: Current settings: Project=UCS, Edge=NoneSelect cutting edges..... Read More

SCALE command

The SCALE command is used to zoom in or zoom out the selected objects and keep the proportion the same during the operation. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > ScaleMenu : Modify > ScaleCommand : SCALEShortcut : select the object and... Read More

ROTATE command.

The ROTATE command is used to rotate selected object around the specified base point. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > RotateMenu : Modify > RotateCommand : ROTATEShortcut : select object and right-click, and then click "Rotate"... Read More

Results 11 - 20 of 323