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The  CONVTOSOLID command or click Ribbon- Mesh – Convert to SOLIDto convert eligible objects to 3D solids. Eligible objects include: 3D meshes that completely enclose a volume Surfaces that completely enclose a volume Closed polylines and circles... Read More


The COMMANDLINEHIDE command is used to hide the command line window. Command Access: Command : COMMANDLINEHIDE Function Description:   If the command line window hidden, users could input commands under dynamic command prompt.             Read More


The COMMANDLINE command is used to display command line window. Command Access: Ribbon : View > Palettes > Command LineMenu : Tools > Command LineCommand : COMMANDLINEShortcut : CTRL+9 Function Description: The command line could be fixed... Read More

COLOR command

The COLOR command is used to specify the color of new object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Properties > ColorMenu : Format > ColorCommand : COLOR ('color for transparent use) (display Select Color dialog box), -COLOR (display command... Read More

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