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Update Dimension

Updates any other dimension(s) to the current dimension style you want to apply. Menu: Express>Dimension>Update Dimension Command Entry: DIMUPDATE Command line prompts as follows: Select a dimension for standard: Select a dimension as a base... Read More

Change Dimension Text

Change the dimension content into the specified value Menu : Express>Dimension>Change Dimension Text Command Entry : CHGDIMTXT Command line prompts as follows: Select dimension objects: Select a dimension Currently label content <129.9>,... Read More

Convert Text to Mtext

Convert one or more normal text objects to Mtext. Menu : Express>Text Tools>Others>Convert Text to Mtext Command Entry : TXT2MTXT Operation steps: 1.Start the command. 2.Select objects : Here we select two text objects. 3.2Text objects... Read More

Unmask Text

Removes mask from text that has been masked with the TEXTMASK command Menu: Express>Text>Unmask Text Command Entry: TEXTUNMASK Command line prompts as follow: Select text or MText object from which mask is to be removed. Select object: Use an... Read More

Text Mask

Place a mask object behind selected text or mtext. The rectangular mask is offset from the text by a specified value. Menu: Express tools>Text Tools>Text Mask Command Entry: TEXTMASK Command line prompts as follows: Current settings : Offset... Read More

Text Match

TextMatch is a specific tool to match both text and Mtext attributes in the current drawing, avoiding to select and edit text attributes one by one. You can access it from: Menu: Text>Text Match Command Entry: Textmatch After starting the command,... Read More

Statistics Summation

This function sums up selected text or mtext. The selected text can not contain any other characters behind the number and the selected mtext can only contain a row of numerical values without blank spaces. Figures with prefix can also make... Read More

Trim to Nested Objects

Trims objects with a block as a cutting boundary. Menu : Express>Blocks>Trim to Nested Objects Command Entry : BTRIM Command line prompts as follow: Select objects or <select all>: Select one or more blocks and press ENTER Select the... Read More

Results 161 - 170 of 1350