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The MATCHPROP command is used to apply the properties of selected object to other objects. Command Access: Ribbon : Home> Properties > Match PropertiesMenu : Modify > Match Properties Command : MATCHPROP Command Prompts: Select source object... Read More

LOFT command

The LOFT command is used to create 3D solids or surfaces by several cross sections. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Modeling > Extrude > LoftMenu : Draw> Modeling > Loft Command : LOFT Command Prompts: Select cross sections in lofting... Read More

LENGTHEN command

The LENGTHEN command is used to change the length of objects and angles of arcs. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > LengthenMenu : Modify > LengthenCommand : LENGTHEN Command Prompts: Select an object or [DElta/Percent/Total/DYnamic]:... Read More

LAYUNISO command

The LAYUNISO command is used to restore layers that hidden or locked by the LAYISO command. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYUNISOMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer UnisolateCommand : LAYUNISO Command Prompts: Layers isolated... Read More

LAYISO command

The LAYISO command is used to hide or lock all layers except the specified one. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYISOMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer IsolateCommand : LAYISO Command Prompts: Current settings: Turn off layer,... Read More

LAYERP command

The LAYERP command is used to quit last change or last group of changes of layer settings. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYERP Menu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer Previous Command : LAYERP Command Prompts: Restored previous... Read More

LAYER command

The LAYER command is used to manager layers and layer properties. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer >Layer PropertiesMenu : Format > LayerCommand : LAYER Function Description:   Related tutorial video:     Overview of layer 00:20... Read More

LAYDEL command

The LAYDEL command is used to delete all objects on the same layer. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer >LAYDELMenu : Format > Layer Tools > layer DeleteCommand : LAYDEL Command Prompts: Select object on layer to delete or [Name]:... Read More

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