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The  CONVTOSOLID command or click Ribbon- Mesh – Convert to SOLIDto convert eligible objects to 3D solids. Eligible objects include: 3D meshes that completely enclose a volume Surfaces that completely enclose a volume Closed polylines and circles... Read More

Enter 3D Coordinates

When you create objects in 3D, Cartesian, cylindrical or spherical coordinates are used to locate points. Enter X.Y.Z coordinates 3D Cartesian coordinates determine a precise location by using three coordinate values: X, Y, and Z. Entering 3D... Read More

ROTATE3D command

The ROTATE3D command is used to rotate objects around 3D axis. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > 3D Operations > Rotate 3D Menu : Modify > 3D Operations > Rotate 3D Command : ROTATE3D Command Prompts: UCS current positive angle: ANGDIR... Read More

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