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ROTATE3D command

The ROTATE3D command is used to rotate objects around 3D axis. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > 3D Operations > Rotate 3D Menu : Modify > 3D Operations > Rotate 3D Command : ROTATE3D Command Prompts: UCS current positive angle: ANGDIR... Read More

MIRROR3D command

The MIRROR3D command is used to create mirrored copies of selected objects. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > 3D Operations > 3D MirrorMenu : Modify > 3D Operations > 3D MirrorCommand : MIRROR3D Command Prompts: Select object:Specify first... Read More

3DSIN command

The 3DSIN command is used to import 3D Studio files. Command Access: Ribbon : Insert > Import > Import > 3D Ssudio..Menu : Insert > 3D Ssudio...Command : 3DSIN Function Description: Users could import a lot of data from 3ds Max file, such... Read More

3DROTATE command

The 3DROTATE command is used to rotate 3D objects around a base point in 3D space. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D >3D Operations > Rotate 3DMenu : Modify > 3D Operations > 3D RotateCommand : 3DROTATE Command Prompts: UCS current positive... Read More

3DPOLY command

The 3DPOLY command is used to create 3D polylines. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > 3D PolylineMenu : Draw > 3D PolylineCommand : 3DPOLY Command Prompts: Specify start point of polyline: Specify endpoint of line or [Undo]: Specify... Read More

Results 11 - 20 of 124