Spline to Pline

With this tool the SPline created can be converted to a polyline according to the accuracy (number of segments of the arc) that the user assigns. The more specified the segment number is, the higher is the matching degree between the converted Polyline. You can access it from:

Menu : Express tools>Draw>Spline to Pline

Command Entry : SPTPL

For example, draw the follow spline sample with 5 arcs as shown:

spline sample

After the command SPTPL is started, Please select the object (Spline).

After selecting the object, a prompt message will be displayed > Delete the spline? Yes(Y) / No(N):

In this case, if we select Yes, this option will delete the spline in place but if we select No, it will keep the spline.
After inputting the delete spline option, a prompt message will be displayed > Please enter the number of arcs Non-zero:

And we have to input a value higher than zero, for example 8. This value determines the segment number of arcs to be created in the new Polyline. And the result is as follows:

arcs to be created in the new Polyline


Article ID: 2687
Created: December 1, 2021
Last Updated: December 1, 2021
Author: GstarCAD MY /KW

Online URL: https://kb.gstarcad.com.my/article/spline-to-pline-2687.html