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Change One Character

This function can change texts in selected single line texts, you can just input characters to be replaced and characters to replace according to the prompts, Moreover it can be used in several single line texts at the same time. Menu : Express>... Read More

Change Character

This function can continuously revise multiple text objects, single line and Mtext are applicable. Menu : Express>Text Tools>Others>Change Character Command Entry : CHGTXT Operation steps: 1.Start the command. 2.Select the text to be... Read More

Chinese Characters Split

This function can split single line texts to single text one by one, because the English word is a combination of several letters, this function only make sense for Chinese Characters. Menu : Express>Text Tools>Others>Chinese Characters... Read More

Update Dimension

Updates any other dimension(s) to the current dimension style you want to apply. Menu: Express>Dimension>Update Dimension Command Entry: DIMUPDATE Command line prompts as follows: Select a dimension for standard: Select a dimension as a base... Read More

Overview of Object Properties

Every object has properties. Some PROPERTIES are general and apply to most objects; for example, LAYER , COLOR , LINETYPE , lineweight (LWEIGHT) and PLOTSTYLE . Most general properties can be assigned to an object by layer or can be assigned to... Read More

VSSAVE command

The VSSAVE command is used to save visual styles. Command Access: Command : VSSAVE Command Prompts: Save current visual style as or [?]: Function Description: Users could use this command to save visual styles.Note: the visual style could only be... Read More


The SHADEMODE command is used to set the visual style for current viewport. Command Access: Command : SHADEMODE Command Prompts: [2dwireframe/3dwireframe/Hidden/Realistic/Conceptual/Other]: Function Description: Note: to show the light emitted from... Read More

Results 171 - 180 of 191