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Update All the Tables

Menu : Express>AutoXlsTable>Update All the Tables Command Entry : CAOT_AUTOXLSTABLE_UPDATEALLTBL After executing this command, the system will update all the table objects created by "Create Table" command. Read More

Update Table

Update table whose original Excel spreadsheet was modified. Menu : Express tools>AutoXlsTable>Update Table Command Entry :_CAOT_AUTOXLSTABLE_UPDATETBL Operation steps: 1.Click Update table. 2.Select the table to update then the table will... Read More

Update Dimension

Updates any other dimension(s) to the current dimension style you want to apply. Menu: Express>Dimension>Update Dimension Command Entry: DIMUPDATE Command line prompts as follows: Select a dimension for standard: Select a dimension as a base... Read More

Edit Groups

Create Groups A GROUP  is a saved set of objects. You can name the groups that you build and add a description for it. Copies of the group will be given the default name as is *Ax and is considered unnamed. .Nested groups can also be ungrouped to... Read More

PSETUPIN command

The PSETUPIN command is used to input the customized page settings to new drawing layout. Command Access: Command : PSETUPIN Function Description: Users could select drawing files (.dwg), sample files (.dwt) or graph interchange format files (.dxf)... Read More

MVSETUP command

The MVSETUP command is used to set graphics specifications. Command Access: Command : MVSETUP Command Prompts: In the model space, input "MVSETUP" under command prompt, it will prompt as follow:Enter paper space? [No/Yes]:In the named layout (paper... Read More

GROUP command

The GROUP command is used to create and manage the saved object group. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > GroupMenu : Tools > GroupCommand : GROUP Function Description: Inputting "-group" under command prompt, it will display... Read More

Results 21 - 30 of 90