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How do I use filter selection?

We have discussed about using Quick Select before. But there is one more utility that you can use, not as pretty as QSELECT. FILTER command offers a dialog box that might also scary when you first see it. But after you use it for a while, you may don... Read More

How do I create my own linetype?

GstarCAD default linetypes are usually enough for common purposes. But sometimes it‟s just not enough sometimes we need to have our own. The problem is creating custom linetype can be difficult to do. But if you have express tools, creating custom... Read More

Understanding Layer 0, ByLayer and ByBlock

Every time you create a new drawing, you will see a default layer: Layer0. You can‟t delete it. Then when you define their properties such as color, line weight, etc, you will see ByLayer and ByBlock properties. Most of you might already know what... Read More

Where can I see the command alias list?

When you use GstarCAD, you‟ll want to use it optimally right? You can see the command alias list and customize your own shortcuts by accessing edit aliases in ribbon> Manage tab> Customizes Settings panel> Edit Aliases. Or you can access... Read More

GstarCAD match properties settings

Many users already know that we can match object properties using MATCHPROP (or MA for short key in). This tool is very handy for you who want to change an object‟s properties to copy other objects. But many of us don‟t realize that there are... Read More

How can I create a circular wipeout?

Many CAD users want to create a circular wipeout, as you may or may not know, you cannot create a wipeout using a circle, only a closed pline without any arcs. Instead, use the POLYGON command. 1. Enter the command POLYGON, 2. When prompted to enter... Read More

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