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How do I create my own linetype?

GstarCAD default linetypes are usually enough for common purposes. But sometimes it‟s just not enough sometimes we need to have our own. The problem is creating custom linetype can be difficult to do. But if you have express tools, creating custom... Read More

Chinese Characters Split

This function can split single line texts to single text one by one, because the English word is a combination of several letters, this function only make sense for Chinese Characters. Menu : Express>Text Tools>Others>Chinese Characters... Read More

LEADER command

The LEADER command is used to create a line to connect annotation and a feature. Command Access: Command : LEADER Command Prompts: Specify leader start point: Specify next point: Specify next point, or [Annotation(A)/Format(F)/Undo(U)] <Annotation... Read More

Create Multiline Text

A multiline text (MTEXT) object includes one or more paragraphs of text that is manipulated as a single object. You can create mtext in the In-Place Text Editor or an alternative text editor, you can also insert text from a file. The In-Place Text... Read More

Draw Lines

You can use the LINE command to generate one or a series of continuous line segments. Each segment is a separate line object, you can assign properties such as COLOR , LINETYPE and lineweight (LWEIGHT) to each line. If you want to connect the... Read More

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