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Erase Objects

If you want to erase objects from your drawing, you can do one of the following . Use the command ERASE . Select objects and press DELETE. Select objects and then cut them to the Clipboard with CTRL+X     Objects, which were recently erased with... Read More

KLL01 command

The KLL01 command is used to sums up selected text or mtext.The selected text can not contain any other characters behind the number and the selected mtext can only contain a row of numerical values without blank spaces. Figures with prefix can also... Read More

Multiple Copy

Copy multiple objects with Repeat, Array, Divide and Measure options. Menu : Express tools>Modify>Multiple Copy Command Entry : COPYM Start the command and the command line prompts as follows: Select objects: Select the objects to be copied... Read More

Convert Text to Mtext

Convert one or more normal text objects to Mtext. Menu : Express>Text Tools>Others>Convert Text to Mtext Command Entry : TXT2MTXT Operation steps: 1.Start the command. 2.Select objects : Here we select two text objects. 3.2Text objects... Read More

Rotate Text

Aligns text, mtext and block attribute objects to new orientation. Rotates text, mtext, and attribute definition objects so that they end up being as close as possible to horizontal or right-read (similar to the behavior of dimension text). Objects... Read More

REGION command

The REGION command is used to convert objects in closed area into region objects. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > RegionMenu : Draw > RegionCommand : REGION Command Prompts: Select objects: Function Description: The 2D region objects... Read More

Results 21 - 30 of 231