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EXPORT command

The EXPORT command is used to save selected objects in other file formats. Command Access: Ribbon : Export > Export > ExportMenu : File > ExportCommand : EXPORT Function Description: This command could export the following file formats: 3D... Read More

ALIGN command

The ALIGN command is used to align the selected objects to other objects in 2D or 3D space. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > AlignMenu : Modify > AlignCommand : ALIGN Function Description: This command could align the selected... Read More

3DALIGN command

The 3DALIGN command is used to align selected object to other object in 2D and 3D space. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D> 3D Operations > 3D AlignCommand : 3DALIGN Command Prompts: Select object:Specify source plane and direction...Specify base... Read More

Results 71 - 80 of 91