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RESUME command

The RESUME command is used to continue executing the interrupted script file. Command Access: Command : RESUME Function Description: Users could stop a macro script file by pressing Esc or Backspace key. During the process of inputting of a script... Read More

SCRIPT command

The SCRIPT command is used to execute a series of commands from a script file. Command Access: Menu : Tools > Run Script...Command : SCRIPT Command Prompts: The script file is one kind of text file with ".scr" extension. Each line in script... Read More

EXPORT command

The EXPORT command is used to save selected objects in other file formats. Command Access: Ribbon : Export > Export > ExportMenu : File > ExportCommand : EXPORT Function Description: This command could export the following file formats: 3D... Read More


The LOGFILEON command is used to write the history of command to files. Command Access: Command : LOGFILEON Function Description: The content of text window is recorded in log files until users exit program or use the LOGFILEOFF command. Each drawing... Read More


The LOGFILEOFF command is used to close the command history of log files that opened by the LOGFILEON command. Command Access: Command : LOGFILEOFF Function Description: It will stop recording the text window and close log files. Each drawing saves a... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 86