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JPGOUT command

The JPGOUT command use to save selected objects to a file in JPEG file format. Command Access: Command : JPGOUT Function Description: Users could input the file name in the "Create Raster File" dialog box. Specifying the FILEDIA system variable to 0,... Read More

EXPORT command

The EXPORT command is used to save selected objects in other file formats. Command Access: Ribbon : Export > Export > ExportMenu : File > ExportCommand : EXPORT Function Description: This command could export the following file formats: 3D... Read More

Edit Groups

Create Groups A GROUP  is a saved set of objects. You can name the groups that you build and add a description for it. Copies of the group will be given the default name as is *Ax and is considered unnamed. .Nested groups can also be ungrouped to... Read More

Store Blocks

Individually drawing files can be used for blocks (BLOCK ). Create a New Drawing File There are two methods to create drawing files: Create and save a complete drawing file using SAVE or SAVEAS . Create and save only selected objects to a new... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 207