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Modify Text

All text objects can be moved (MOVE) , rotated (ROTATE), deleted and copied (COPY) just like any other objects. You can also edit the contents of the created text objects. Modify single line text There are two ways for the singe line text... Read More

SAVEAS command

The SAVEAS command is used to save a copy of current drawing with a new name. Command Access: Menu : Application menu > Save as...Menu : File > Save As...Command : SAVEAS Function Description: Users could save the current draw by inputting the... Read More

BSAVEAS command

The BSAVEAS command is used to save a copy of current block definition with a new name. Command Access: Command : BSAVEAS Function Description: This command could only be used in block editor. Users could input a new name in "Save Block As" dialog... Read More

Break Objects

In some industrial application design, sometimes we need to break pipes or cable lines in our schematic drawing to indicate their spatial relationship. Sometimes we also need to break lines at crossing point to make it convenient for the later edit.... Read More

Statistics Summation

This function sums up selected text or mtext. The selected text can not contain any other characters behind the number and the selected mtext can only contain a row of numerical values without blank spaces. Figures with prefix can also make... Read More

Results 21 - 30 of 106