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QUIT command

The QUIT command is used to exit programs. Command Access: Menu : File > QuitCommand : QUIT Function Description: If there is no modification in drawing since last saving, users could exit by QUIT command. If users have made some modifications, it... Read More

U command

The U command is used to quit the latest operation. Command Access: Menu : Edit > Undo Command : U Shortcut : CTRL+Z Function Description: Users could input a U to get back one step. They could also input many times to get to the beginning of... Read More

OLELINKS command

The OLELINKS command is used to update, change and quit existing OLE links. Command Access :  Menu : Edit > OLE Links...Command : OLELINKS Function Description: If there is no OLE links in current drawing, the OLELINKS command will be inactive... Read More

LAYERP command

The LAYERP command is used to quit last change or last group of changes of layer settings. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYERP Menu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer Previous Command : LAYERP Command Prompts: Restored previous... Read More