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LAYULK command

The LAYULK command is used to unlock the layer of a selected object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYULKMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer UnlockCommand : LAYULK Command Prompts: Select an object on the layer to be unlocked<... Read More

LAYOFF command

The LAYOFF command is used to turn off the layer of selected object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYOFFMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer OffCommand : LAYOFF Command Prompts: Select object on layer to turn off or [Settings... Read More

LAYMCH command

The LAYMCH command is used to change the specified object layer and make it match the target one. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYMCHMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer MatchCommand : LAYMCH Command Prompts: Select the object... Read More

LAYFRZ command

The LAYFRZ command is used to freeze the layer of selected object. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYFRZMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer FreezeCommand : LAYFRZ Command Prompts: Select an object on the layer to be frozen or... Read More


The INSERTOBJ command is used to insert a link or a embed object. Command Access: Ribbon : Insert > Data > OLE ObjectMenu : Insert > OLE ObjectCommand : INSERTOBJ Function Description If the link information has changed in source files, it... Read More


The HYPERLINK command is used to insert a hyperlink to an object or modify an existing hyperlink. Command Access: Ribbon : Insert > Data > HyperlinkMenu : Insert > HyperlinkCommand : HYPERLINKShortcut : select object including hyperlink and... Read More

GROUP command

The GROUP command is used to create and manage the saved object group. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Utilities > GroupMenu : Tools > GroupCommand : GROUP Function Description: Inputting "-group" under command prompt, it will display... Read More

GRADIENT command

The GRADIENT command is used to hatch specified objects or closed region by the gradient. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Draw > Hatch > GradientMenu : Draw > GradientCommand : GRADIENT Function Description: The gradient hatch could make... Read More

Results 291 - 300 of 481