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What is SKPOLY variable?

By default, the SKETCH command creates a collection of line objects. To create polylines instead, set the SKPOLY variable to 1. Read More

What is TREEDEPTH variable?

Users with HUGE drawings may want to consider changing the value of the TREEDEPTH variable. It controls the GstarCAD Tree Spatial Index, which specifies the number of times the tree-structured spatial index may divide into branches. Setting the value... Read More

How to get high resolution Image from GstarCAD?

Do you need to create a high resolution image from lines, arcs and other objects in your drawing? No, this is not about rendering. Just you can just plot your model/layout. Try to open your plot dialog box. You can see a plotter namedPublishToWebJPG... Read More

How do I use filter selection?

We have discussed about using Quick Select before. But there is one more utility that you can use, not as pretty as QSELECT. FILTER command offers a dialog box that might also scary when you first see it. But after you use it for a while, you may don... Read More

How do I create my own linetype?

GstarCAD default linetypes are usually enough for common purposes. But sometimes it‟s just not enough sometimes we need to have our own. The problem is creating custom linetype can be difficult to do. But if you have express tools, creating custom... Read More

Understanding Layer 0, ByLayer and ByBlock

Every time you create a new drawing, you will see a default layer: Layer0. You can‟t delete it. Then when you define their properties such as color, line weight, etc, you will see ByLayer and ByBlock properties. Most of you might already know what... Read More

How do I purge layers that don’t want to be purged?

Want to clean up you drawings from extra or garbage layers? The obvious way to purge layers is to use the PURGE command but sometimes it‟s not enough. Purge might need to be run several times. Make sure to select purge nested items. Notice that in... Read More

How to use GstarCAD Layer walk?

Have you ever get confused which created objects are on which layer? When you work with layer standard, you may have dozens or even hundreds of layers in your drawing. Finding which one sets to wrong layer can be a tedious work. Here is a tip: Type... Read More

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