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STYLE command

The STYLE command is used to create, modify or specify the text style. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Annotation >STYLE Menu : Format > Text Style ...Command : STYLE Function Description: Inputting "-style" under the command prompt, it... Read More

MTEDIT command

The MTEDIT command is used to edit multi-line text Command Access: Command : MTEDIT Command Prompts: Select an MTEXT object: Function Description: Users could edit formats and contents of selected multi-line text in "Text Formatting" dialog box. Read More

KLL01 command

The KLL01 command is used to sums up selected text or mtext.The selected text can not contain any other characters behind the number and the selected mtext can only contain a row of numerical values without blank spaces. Figures with prefix can also... Read More

GRAPHSCR command

The GRAPHSCR command is used to switch from text dialog box to drawing area. Command Access: Command : GRAPHSCR Function Description: User could press F2 to open and close a text dialog box. This command is ignored in double-screen system. Read More

FIND command

The FIND command is used to find specified text. Users could replace certain text according to needs. Command Access: Menu : Edit > Find...Command : FIND Dialog Box Description: Find and Replace Dialog Box is displayed. Find What: Specify the... Read More

Results 121 - 130 of 172