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QDIM command

The QDIM command is used to create a series of dimensions for selected objects quickly. Command Access: Ribbon : Annotation > Dimension > QDIMMenu : Dimension > Quick DimensionCommand : QDIM Command Prompts: Associative dimension priority =... Read More


The DRAWORDER command is used to change the drawing order of graph or other objects. Command Access: Menu : Tools > Draw Order > Bring to frontCommand : DRAWORDER Command Prompts: Select object:Enter object ordering option [Above objects/Under... Read More

CHANGE command

The CHANGE command is used to change the properties of existing objects. Command Access: Command: CHANGE Command Prompts: Select object: Specify change point or [properties]: Function Description: The properties contain location, size, color,... Read More

ALIGN command

The ALIGN command is used to align the selected objects to other objects in 2D or 3D space. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > AlignMenu : Modify > AlignCommand : ALIGN Function Description: This command could align the selected... Read More

Results 31 - 40 of 206