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PEDIT command

The PEDIT command is used to edit polylines and 3D polygon meshes. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > PEDITMenu : Modify > Object > PolylineCommand : PEDITShortcut : select the polyline to be edited, right click and select "Polyline... Read More

TABSURF command

The TABSURF command is used to create meshes by sweeping straight line or curve path along straight line. Command Access: Ribbon : 3D > Mesh > TABSURF Menu : Draw > Modeling > Meshes> Tabulated Mesh Command : TABSURF Command Prompts:... Read More

PFACE command

The PFACE command is used to create 3D polyface meshes by each vertex. Command Access: Command : PFACE Command Prompts: Specify location for vertex 1:As vertex.2or specify locationAs vertex.3or specify locationEnter the number of vertex or [Color... Read More

3D command

The 3D command is used to create 3D polyface meshes with common geometric shapes. Command Access: Command: 3D Command Prompts: Enter an option[Box/Cone/DIsh/Dome/Mesh/Pyramid/Sphere/Torus/Wedge]: Relative Glossary: Box:Create a 3D box polyface mesh.... Read More

Results 1 - 10 of 12