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SCRIPT command

The SCRIPT command is used to execute a series of commands from a script file. Command Access: Menu : Tools > Run Script...Command : SCRIPT Command Prompts: The script file is one kind of text file with ".scr" extension. Each line in script... Read More

RENAME command

The RENAME command is used to change name for specified item (such as layer or dimension style). Command Access: Menu : Format > Rename...Command : RENAME Function Description: Users could rename object types, such as layers, dimension styles,... Read More

QNEW command

The QNEW command is used to create a new graph from specified graph template. Command Access: Menu : Application menu > NewMenu : File> NewDimensionCommand : QNEW Function Description: This command could create new graphs from graph template... Read More


The PDFIMPORT command allows you to import the objects from a PDF file as editable objects.You can access the Import PDF from File-Import-PDF, you can input PDFIMPORT command or click Insert Tab- Import Panel-PDF Import. Command Access : PDFIMPORT ... Read More

OPTIONS command

The OPTIONS command is used to customize program settings. Command Access: Menu : Application menu > Options...Menu : Tools > Options...Command : OPTIONSShortcut menu : right click in the command windowShortcut menu : when there is no... Read More

MOVE command

The MOVE command is used to move objects by specified distance along specified direction. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Modify > MoveMenu : Modify > MoveCommand : MOVE Command Prompts: Select object: Specify base point or [Displacement] :... Read More

LAYUNISO command

The LAYUNISO command is used to restore layers that hidden or locked by the LAYISO command. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYUNISOMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer UnisolateCommand : LAYUNISO Command Prompts: Layers isolated... Read More

LAYISO command

The LAYISO command is used to hide or lock all layers except the specified one. Command Access: Ribbon : Home > Layer > LAYISOMenu : Format > Layer Tools > Layer IsolateCommand : LAYISO Command Prompts: Current settings: Turn off layer,... Read More

Results 391 - 400 of 899